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Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 4 No. 1, pp. 49-72

An Intelligent Page Replacement Method for DBMS Buffer Management

Institute of  Computer   Science
National  Tsing   Hua  University
Hsinchu, Taiwan  30043, Republic  of  China


    Many research results indicate that pages reference behavior in a database buffer is quite different from the behavior in a program environment, when the measurement unit is the page faults. However, the I/0 time (which includes the seek time and rotation time on the disk, and transfer time between the main memory and disk) is generally the dominant factor in the performance of a buffer manager. In this study, we use the disk-oriented I/0 time as the performance metric to evaluate five popular page replacement algorithms. These five algorithms include three popular algorithms: FIFO, RANDOM, and LRU in operating systems and two particular algorithms CLOCK and GCLOCK [5] designed for database management systems. 

    Under various multi-transaction enviroments, these five algorithms are first evaluated; CLOCK, in general, has the least disk-oriented I/0 time. To reduce disk-oriented I/0 time further, an intelligent scheduler is designed. The scheduler has the features of a deferred I/0 per reference and the SSTF disk scheduling policy. With the scheduler, the simulation results show that the average disk-oriented I/0 time can be reduced to around 2% for CLOCK and 25% for RANDOM, which is than the conventional non-scheduling method. By comparing the methods without/with the scheduler, CLOCK with the scheduler generally has the least disk-oriented I/0 time.

Keywords: page replacement algorithms, performance evaluation, I/0 cost, database management system, multi-transaclion environment

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