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Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 27 No. 6, pp. 2031-2045

Improved Integral Attacks on Rijndael

1State Key Laboratory of Information Security, Institute of Software 
Chinese Academy of Sciences 
Beijing, 100190 P.R. China 
Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 
Beijing, 100049 P.R. China 
2Department of Information Security 
Beijing Electronic Science and Technology Institute 
Beijing, 100070 P.R. China

    In this paper, we present some improved integral attacks on Rijndael whose block sizes are larger than 128 bits. We will introduce some 4-round distinguishers for Rijndael with large blocks proposed by Marine Minier (AFRICACRYPT 2009), and propose a new 4th-order 4-round distinguisher for Rijndael-192. Based on these distinguishers, together with the partial sum technique proposed by Niels Ferguson (FSE 2000), we can apply integral attacks up to 8-round Rijndael-160, 9-round Rijndael-192, and 9-round Rijndael-224. Compared to the square attack proposed by Samuel Galice (AFRICACRYPT 2008), we give different attacks on Rijndael-256 to 8 and 9 rounds. Except the attack on Rijndael-256, all the other results are the best cryptanalytic results on Rijndael with large blocks so far.

Keywords: block cipher, integral attack, Rijndael, partial sum technique, distinguisher

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