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Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 26 No. 6, pp. 2107-2125

Adaptive Dynamic Scheduling Algorithms for Mapping Ongoing M-Tasks to PR2 Grid

Department of Electronic Engineering 
National Ilan University 
Yilan, 260 Taiwan 
E-mail: cclin@niu.edu.tw

    Grid computing provides a platform for users easily accessing worldwide distributed resources. To meet the time limit and quality requirement posted by an application running on a grid, the computing nodes allocated to the application need to be periodically redeployed. The grid which periodically redeploys computing resources to meet the needs of an ongoing application is named a PR2 grid. An M-task is a type of workflow application which performs work stage by stage. In this paper, three algorithms MaxH-LP, MaxHrLP and MaxH-rCLP are proposed for scheduling an M-task application onto the PR2 grid. The algorithms are compared with the well known algorithms Minmin and Sufferage. Our simulation results show that the average performances achieved by MaxH-rLP and MaxHrCLP outperform Minmin and Sufferage for applications of various communication computation ratios.

Keywords: scheduling algorithm, grid computing, resource redeployment, dynamic scheduling, model

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