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Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 23 No. 3, pp. 855-869

Searching Strict Minimal Siphons for SNC-Based Resource Allocation Systems

Daniel Yuh Chao
Department of Management and Information Science 
National Chengchi University 
Taipei, 116 Taiwan 
E-mail: yaw@mis.nccu.edu.tw

    For a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) or Resource Allocation System (RAS) which can be decomposed into a number of synchronized choice nets interconnected by resource places, we propose to efficiently extract strict minimal siphons (SMS) in an incremental fashion rather than the traditional global approach. Only a subset of all SMS needs to be searched. The rest SMS can be found by adding and deleting common sets of places from existing ones.

Keywords: Petri nets, siphons, traps, FMS, algorithm, liveness, deadlock

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