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Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 22 No. 1, pp. 123-146

Implementation for the Arrangement and Mining Analysis of Travel Schedules

Yin-Fu Huang and Chao-Nan Chen
Institute of Computer Science and Information Engineering 
National Yunlin University of Science and Technology 
Touliu, 640 Taiwan 
E-mail: huangyf@el.yuntech.edu.tw

    In the paper, we use data mining techniques to analyze and retrieve customers’ travel patterns from the database in a travel system built in the WWW environment. Our solution consists of two phases. First, we propose three algorithms embedded in the system to arrange the travel routes and accommodations for customers. Second, we use mining techniques to extract the most interesting knowledge contained in the database. This implementation provides more convenient services and more useful information than other traditional travel agencies.

Keywords: Internet services, data mining, sequential patterns, algorithms, travel schedules

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