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Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 22 No. 3, pp. 573-594

A Classification Tree Based on Discriminant Functions

Been-Chian Chien, Jung-Yi Lin1 and Wei-Pang Yang1,2 
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering 
National University of Tainan 
Tainan, 700 Taiwan 
1Department of Computer and Information Science 
National Chiao Tung University 
Hsinchu, 300 Taiwan 
2Department of Information Management 
National Dong Hwa University 
Hualien, 974 Taiwan

    The classification problem is an important topic in knowledge discovery and machine learning. Traditional classification tree methods and their improvements have been discussed widely. This work proposes a new approach to construct decision trees based on discriminant functions which are learned using genetic programming. A discriminant function is a mathematical function for classifying data into a specific class. To learn discriminant functions effectively and efficiently, a distance-based fitness function for genetic programming is designed. After the set of discriminant functions for all classes is generated, a classifier is created as a binary decision tree with the Z-value measure to resolve the problem of ambiguity among discriminant functions. Several popular datasets from the UCI Repository were selected to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed classifiers by comparing with previous methods. The results show that the proposed classification tree demonstrates high accuracy on the selected datasets.

Keywords: knowledge discovery, machine learning, genetic programming, classification, discriminant function, decision tree, classifier

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