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Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 18 No. 4, pp. 507-518

Bit-serial AB2 Multiplier Using Modified Inner Product

Jun-Cheol Jeon, Hyun-Sung Kim+, Hyung-Mok Lee 
and Kee-Young Yoo

Department of Computer Engineering 
Kyungpook University 
Daegu, Korea 
+Department of Computer Engineering 
Kyungil University 
Kyungsansi, Kyungsangpookdo, Korea

    This paper presents a new multiplication algorithm and, based on this algorithm, proposes a hardware architecture, called Modified Inner-Product Multiplier (MIPM), which computes AB2 multiplication based on a Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR). The algorithm is based on the property of the irreducible all one polynomial (AOP) over the finite field GF(2m). The proposed architecture reduces the time and space complexity for computing AB2. The proposed architecture has a potential application to implementing exponentiation architecture for a public-key cryptosystem.

Keywords: cryptosystem, linear feedback shift register architecture, standard basis, inner product, irreducible all one polynomial

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