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Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 17 No. 3, pp. 491-506

Fragment Allocation in Distributed Database Design

Yin-Fu Huang and Jyh-Her Chen 
Institute of Electronics and Information Engineering 
National Yunlin University of Science and Technology 
Yunlin, Taiwan 640, R.O.C. 
E-mail: huangyf@el.yuntech.edu.tw

    On a Wide Area Network (WAN), fragment allocation is a major issue in distributed database design since it concerns the overall performance of distributed database systems. Here we propose a simple and comprehensive model that reflects transaction behavior in distributed databases. Based on the model and transaction information, two heuristic algorithms are developed to find a near-optimal allocation such that the total communication cost is minimized as much as possible. The results show that the fragment allocation found by the algorithms is close to being an optimal one. Some experiments were also conducted to verify that the cost formulas can truly reflect the communication cost in the real world.

Keywords: distributed databases, fragment allocation, allocation model, communication cost, heuristic algorithms

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