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Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 16 No. 6, pp. 857-861

Dynamic GOST

Yi-Shiung Yeh, Chu-Hsing Lin* and Chan-Chi Wang
Institute of Computer Science and Information Engineering 
National Chiao Tung University 
Hsinchu, Taiwan 300, R.O.C. 
E-mail: ysyeh@csie.nctu.edu.tw 
*Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering 
Tunghai University 
Taichung, Taiwan 407, R.O.C. 
E-mail: chlin@mail.thu.edu.tw

    GOST is a block algorithm which was adopted as a standard by the former Soviet Union. Because it keeps a lot of secret information, including S-boxes, the algorithm is secure and easy to understand. In this article, we propose a variant of GOST, called dynamic GOST, in which permutations are applied. With the permutation information securely kept, the new version of GOST is more secure and better to withstand differential and linear attacks.

Keywords: GOST, block cipher, S-boxes, DES, subkey generation, cryptanalysis, differential attack, linear attack, random permutation

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