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Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 30 No. 6, pp. 1905-1926

Distance-Aware Approach for Time-Constraint Wireless Data Querying Based on Game Theory

1Key Laboratory of Complex Systems Modeling and Simulation, Ministry of Education
School of Computer Science and Technology
Hangzhou Dianzi University
Hangzhou, 310018 P.R. China
2State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Beijing, 100876 P.R. China
3State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology
Nanjing University
Nanjing, 210093 P.R. China
4Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275-0122, USA


    With the rapid development of time-critical information services and business-oriented applications, scalable mechanisms supporting time-constraint data querying generated by mobile clients that carry limited amount of virtual cash and battery energy are in a high demand. To jointly optimize mobile clients’ expense and energy consumption in such a non-cooperative environment, based on game theory, we present an intelligent wireless data access scheme called EPGA to address the issue of energy and expense optimization. In EPGA, the shared data items among the mobile clients are seen as public resources, and the expense and energy consumed by selfish clients for sending request messages are formulated as their cost. By comparing the utilities received through sending the request message at different time intervals, EPGA can help each client independently make the strategy of sending the request message, so as to save the energy and expense without violating the time-constraint requirement of their queries. We conduct the symmetric Nash Equilibrium strategy for the clients to achieve fairness, and also compare EPGA with other schemes by experiments. The EPGA approach shows its effectiveness in joint optimization of energy and expense among the mobile clients, especially the ones far away from the data server.

Keywords: wireless data query, mobile computing, game theory, energy-efficient, distance-awarey

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