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Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 34 No. 3, pp. 631-648

A System for Composing and Delivering Heterogeneous Web Testing Software as a Composite Web Testing Service

1Computer and Network Center
2Institute of Manufacturing Information and Systems
3Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
National Cheng Kung University
Tainan, 701 Tainan
E-mail: jielee@mail.ncku.edu.tw; {t824675951535; ashlin1112}@hotmail.com;

  Load testing and cross-browser testing are ones of the web testing types that heavily rely on the support of cloud computing platforms for realizing the concept of TaaS (Testing as a Service). Although efforts have been made on composing heterogeneous web services, little emphasis has been put on composing heterogeneous web testing tool services and delivering a composite web testing service as a whole. The main challenge involved in the composition of heterogeneous web application testing tools is the incompatibility of their inputs and outputs. However, the need to manually configure the tools greatly undermines the convenience and applicability of their applications. In this paper, we propose a system for the composition and delivery of heterogeneous web testing tools with the following key features: (1) four adapters to automatically bridge the gap between the inputs and outputs of six state-of-the-art testing tools; (2) a composite web testing service with the adapters; and (3) two adapters to enable delivering the composite service via emails. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed system in reducing the effort required for load testing and cross-browser testing in comparison with a conventional method.

Keywords: testing as a service, web application testing, testing tools composition, testing service delivery, load testing, cross browser testing

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