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Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 32 No. 5, pp. 1241-1259

Performance Improvement of Traffic Classification Based on Application Traffic Locality

1Department of Computer and Information Science 
Korea University 
Sejong, 30019 Korea 
E-mail: {junsang_park; sungho_yoon; sukanglee; tmskim}@korea.ac.kr 
2Department of Information System 
Hanyang University 
Seoul, 04763 Korea 
E-mail: youngjoon@hanyang.ac.kr

    Application-level traffic classification is an essential requirement for stable network operation and resource management. The payload signature-based classifier is considered a reliable method for Internet traffic classification. However, with this system, processing speeds are slower when high volumes of traffic are being classified in high-speed networks in real time. In this paper, we propose a method for server IP-port pair cachebased traffic classification, with the aim of increasing the processing speed and completeness of payload signature-based traffic classification. This approach takes application traffic locality into consideration. Moreover, we propose a cache data management method that has the purpose of minimizing the utilization of cache memory and processing speed and maximizing level of completeness. When our proposed method was applied to a campus network, we observe 10 times improvement in processing speed and 10% increasing in completeness against the payload signature-based classifier without a server IP-Port pair cache.

Keywords: network traffic monitoring and analysis, internet traffic classification, payload signature, processing speed, application-level traffic

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