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Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 32 No. 5, pp. 1345-1371

Efficient Seamless Channel Transition for Near Video-on-Demand with Small Receiving Bandwidth

Department of Computer Science 
National Taipei University of Education 
Taipei, 106 Taiwan 
E-mail: yu@tea.ntue.edu.tw

    Data broadcasting is a cost-effective solution for large-scale distribution of popular videos, and this approach can guarantee constant worst playback latency for all clients. The video service based on the broadcasting technique is called the near vid-eo-on-demand (VoD) service. An essential broadcasting method is the seamless slotted generalized Fibonacci broadcasting (SSGFB) scheme, which can support small cli-ent-receiving bandwidth and adjust server-broadcasting channels according to video popularity. This scheme is also the best scheme for reducing client waiting time, when compared with other schemes supporting small receiving-bandwidth clients. Although SSGFB is a promising scheme for VoD services in heterogeneous environments, SSGFB incurs large bandwidth waste during channel transition. This study further finds that SSGFB has transition playback latency when performing channel addition. Therefore, an enhanced SSGFB (ESSGFB) is proposed to alleviate these performance issues caused by channel transition. This novel scheme is applied and verified, and an analytical evalua-tion is provided to demonstrate its performance advantage. The ESSGFB scheme reduc-es bandwidth waste and transition playback latency considerably under various parame-ter settings, when compared with SSGFB.

Keywords: channel transition, near video-on-demand (VoD), bandwidth waste, transi-tion playback latency, small client bandwidth

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