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Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 27 No. 1, pp. 35-50

Spacelog Data Acquisition, Management and Applications in a Gateway-based Smart Space

Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences 
Hosei University 
Tokyo, 184-8584 Japan 
+Faculty of Information Science 
Kyushu Sangyo University 
Fukuoka, 813-8503 Japan

    Spacelog is a continuous collection of existing states and activity experiences of various entities in a real spatial site or environment such as a laboratory and a home, and it can be regarded as a context history database or conceptually seen as a memory organ specifically for the physical environment. Spacelog can be exploited to enhance functions of the computerized physical environments, enabling users to know what happened and how they happened in the environments, and further make the environment smarter to improve users’ quality of life. However, the logs captured directly from various sensing devices are raw data, heterogeneous types, massive in data amount, and with illegible meanings. Thus, the challenges in developing spacelog applications are how to effectively acquire, administer and apply the heterogeneous, massive and illegible raw log data. In this study, we proposed a gateway-based spacelog system architecture to deal with various sensing devices, discuss techniques on log data acquisition and management, and demonstrate two spacelog applications called LabLog and HomeLog.

Keywords: spacelog, sensor, context, heterogeneity, database, gateway, smart space, lablog, homelog, service, retrieval, activity summarization

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