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Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 31 No. 2, pp. 675-689

Parameter Estimation of Chaotic Dynamical Systems Using HEQPSO

1Department of Automation Engineering 
Nan Kai University of Technology 
Nantou, 542 Taiwan 
2Formosa Advanced Technologies Co. 
Yunlin, 632 Taiwan 
3Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering 
National Formosa University 
Yunlin, 632 Taiwan 
E-mail: tsong@nfu.edu.tw

    In this study, a quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization (QPSO) based on hybrid evolution (HEQPSO) approach is proposed to estimate parameters of chaotic dynamic systems, in which the proposed HEQPSO algorithm combines the conceptions of genetic algorithm (GA) and adaptive annealing learning algorithm with the QPSO algorithm. That is, the mutation strategy in GA is used for conquering premature; adaptive decaying learning similar to simulated annealing (SA) is adopted for overcoming stagnation problem in searching optimal solutions. Three examples are illustrated to estimate parameters of chaotic dynamical systems using the proposed HEQPSO approach. From the numerical simulations and comparisons with other extant evolutionary methods in Lorenz system, the validity and superiority of the HEQPSO approach are verified. In addition, the effectiveness and robustness of parameter estimations for Chen and Rossler systems are demonstrated by the proposed HEQPSO approach.

Keywords: quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization, chaotic system, parameter estimation, hybrid evolution, adaptive annealing learning

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