Preparation of Manuscripts
The title should be concise and complete for easy indexing by abstracting services.

Abstract and Keywords
All papers must be supplied with an abstract and 5–10 keywords (or key phrases). The abstract should be brief, concise, and complete in itself. Include purpose, methodology, results, and conclusion, where applicable. The keywords (or key phrases) should be as independent as possible, and jointly reflect the main topic of the paper.

References to published literature should be quoted in the text in square brackets. Number all references to the literature in a single sequence in the order in which they are cited in the text and list them together at the end of the paper. For example:
  1. S. Y. Wang and D. R. Jones, “Multi-user decision support system, ” Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 3, 1987, pp. 135-150.
  2. R. O. Duda and P. E. Hart, Pattern Classification and Scene Analysis, Wiley, New York, 1973.
  3. V. Ramachandran, “A linear-time algorithm for race detection in transistor switch-level circuits,” in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, 1983, pp. 345-349.
  4. H. T. Kung, “Memory requirements for balanced computer architectures,” Technical Report, CMU-CS-85-158, Department of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1985.
  5. C. A. O’Reilly and L. R. Pondy, “Organizational communication,” in S. Kern, (ed.), Organizational Behavior, Grid Publishing Inc., Columbus, Ohio, 1979, pp. 111-150.
Illustrations and Figures
All figures should be provided clearly 300 dpi above and illustrations should be professionally drawn. Figures should be 300dpi above.

Tables should be typed clearly in the manuscript.

Equations and Formulas
Equations should be typed in MATHTYPE and numbered sequentially in the main body of the text and in any appendices. References to equations of formulas should be quoted in parentheses.

Computer Programs
Computer programs should be typed in a frame in the manuscript.